Qtvr e Iphone (ma anche Ipod video)
Ricordando un’ idea di uno sviluppatore conosciuto nella Developer Connection, ho realizzato da tempo delle versioni particolari di panoramiche da fruire con un Ipod video. Si tratta di una serie di fotogrammi opportunamente ripresi e riscalati per essere poi trasferiti sull’ipod e fruiti a pieno schermo (dell’ipod!). Muovendo la rotella il refresh dello schermo era abbastanza veloce da simulare la navigazione delle qtvr. A poche ore dalla presentazione di Iphone, ho pensato di modificare i files per le dimensioni dello schermo del nuovo Iphone. Ancora non sappiamo se gestirà nativamente il for mato QuickTime e quindi potremo utilizzare direttamente le Qtvr, ma in attesa ma farebbe piacere sapere se qualcuno, provando, . trova la soluzione accettabile.
https://www.domenicoperrone.net/iphone_qtvr/Iphone_Museo.zip (una sala del Museo Diocesano di Lecce)
https://www.domenicoperrone.net/iphone_qtvr/Iphone_Rosario2.zip (altare della Basilica del Rosario di Lecce)
https://www.domenicoperrone.net/iphone_qtvr/Iphone_rosario.zip (altare della Basilica del Rosario di Lecce)
English Version
Dear friends, here inItaly we have to wait a long time before try an Iphone. In the past I made some qtvr-like product for showing a panorama on the ipod-video e now I’d like to know how they look on Iphone. If you want to do a check you can download the 3 experiments from my website
https://www.domenicoperrone.net/iphone_qtvr/Iphone_Museo.zip (from a Museum)
https://www.domenicoperrone.net/iphone_qtvr/Iphone_Rosario2.zip (from a Baroque Church)
https://www.domenicoperrone.net/iphone_qtvr/Iphone_rosario.zip (from the same Baroque Church)
they are folders of pictures scaled to 640*480. You need to trasfer to Iphone and view fullscreen. I think that the touch screen let change the photo shown using fingers and so you can feel like me when use the kiosk installed in my church.
May somebody do the test and tell me if everythingh is ok ?
Best regards
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Hi Domenico:
I tried out the Museo images on my first gen iPhone. All looks great, but the flicking through images just isn’t the same as “real” VR (flash or Qt based).
I haven’t tried yet, but maybe using QT Pro to import an image sequence and output linear video would be a better way to go? That, or something like Ian Wood’s Pano2Movie?
Until the iPhone is 100% opened up to apps, and an OpenGL viewer makes it onto the iPhone, nothing will be that interesting. My 2 cents… 🙂